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Discovery APIs

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Project: APIs

In order to enable resource discovery from SoilWise to a variety of communities. SWR aims to evaluate a wide range of standardised or de-facto discovery APIs

  • For GraphQL and sparql, read the article on knowledge extraction
  • OAI-PMH + Datacite
  • Sitemap.xml +
  • Catalog service for the Web and OGC API records

OAI-PMH + Datacite

With this endpoint, we aim to enable academia and the open data community to interact with the SWR. Records from SWR can be harvested from CKAN and Dataverse software using this interface.

Sitemap.xml +

The search engine community typically uses the Sitemap and annotations to crawl the SWR content

Catalog service for the Web and OGC API records

The spatial community typically use CSW and OGC API Records to interact with catalogues. An example scenario is a catalogue search from within QGIS, using the Metasearch panel.