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Project: Metadata ingestion

The Harvester component is dedicated to automatically harvest sources to populate SWR with metadata on datasets and knowledge sources.

Automated metadata harvesting concept

Metadata harvesting is the process of ingesting metadata, i.e. evidence on data and knowledge, from remote sources and storing it locally in the catalogue for fast searching. It is a scheduled process, so local copy and remote metadata are kept aligned. Various components exist which are able to harvest metadata from various (standardised) API's. SoilWise aims to use existing components where available.

The harvesting mechanism relies on the concept of a universally unique identifier (UUID) or unique resource identifier (URI) that is being assigned commonly by metadata creator or publisher. Another important concept behind the harvesting is the last change date. Every time a metadata record is changed, the last change date is updated. Just storing this parameter and comparing it with a new one allows any system to find out if the metadata record has been modified since last update. An exception is if metadata is removed remotely. SoilWise Repository can only derive that fact by harvesting the full remote content. Disucssion is needed to understand if SWR should keep a copy of the remote source anyway, for archiving purposes. All metadata with an update date newer then last-identified successfull harvester run are extracted from remote location.

Resource Types

Metadata for following resource types are foreseen to be harvested:

  • Data & Knowledge Resources (Articles/Datasets/Videos/Software/Services)
  • Projects/LTE/Living labs
  • Funding schemes (Mission-soil)
  • Organisations
  • Repositories/Catalogues

These entities relate to each other as:

flowchart LR
    people -->|memberOf| o[organisations] 
    o -->|partnerIn| p[projects]
    p -->|produce| d[data & knowledge resources]
    o -->|publish| d
    d -->|describedIn| c[catalogues]
    p -->|part-of| fs[Fundingscheme]

Origin of harvested resources


Datasets are to be primarily imported from the ZENODO, INSPIRE GeoPortal, BonaRes as well as Cordis. In later iterations SoilWise aims to also include other projects and portals, such as national or thematic portals. These repositories contain a huge number of datasets. Selection of key datasets concerning the SoilWise scope is a subject of know-how to be developed within SoilWise.

Knowledge sources

With respect to harvesting, it is important to note that knowledge assets are heterogeneous, and that (compared to data), metadata standards and particularly access / harvesting protocols are not generally adopted. Available metadata might be implemented using a proprietary schema, and basic assumptions for harvesting, e.g. providing a "date of last change" might not be offered. This will, in some cases, make it necessary to develop customized harvesting and metadata extraction processes. It also means that informed decisions need to be made on which resources to include, based on priority, required efforts and available capacity.

The SoilWise project team is still exploring which knowledge resources to include. An important cluster of knowledge sources are academic articles and report deliverables from Mission Soil Horizon Europe projects. These resources are accessible from Cordis, Zenodo and OpenAire. Extracting content from Cordis, OpenAire, and Zenodo can be achieved using a harvesting task (using the Cordis schema, extended with post processing). For the first iteration, SoilWise aims to achieve this goal. In future iterations new knowledge sources may become relevant, we will investigate at that moment what is the best approach to harvest them.

Catalogue APIs and models

Catalogues typically offer standardised APIs as well as tailored APIs to extract resources. Typically, the tailored APIs offer extra capabilities which may be relevant to SoilWise. However in general we should adopt the standardised interfaces, because it allows us to use of the shelf components with high TRL.

Standardised APIs are available for harvesting records from:

  • Catalogue Service for the Web (OGC:CSW)
  • Protocol metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH)
  • Sitemap.xml

Semantic Web specifications for metadata

This section briefly reviews the specifications issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for the encoding of metadata. The most relevant of these is DCAT, however, as is paramount in the Semantic Web, this ontology is meant to be used together with other specifications.

The web ontologies review here not only complement each other but in many cases even overlap. Such is the nature of the Semantic Web, a single instance can be simultaneously be declared as a foaf:Person, a vcard:Individual and a prov:Agent, in doing so creating semantic links to multiple ontologies, greatly boosting its meaning and effectiveness.

Dublin Core

The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES), better known simply as Dublin Core, was the first metadata infrastructure produced within the Semantic Web. It owns its name to a city in Ohio, wherein its foundations were laid in 1995. Dublin Core was formalised as ISO-15836 in 2003 and is maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), a branch of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). A revision was published in 2017 (ISO-15836-1:2017).

The first complete release of Dublin Core dates back to 2000, comprising fifteen metadata terms meant to describe physical and digital resources, independently of context. In its first iterations, these terms were loosely defined, without specification on their application to resources. In 2012 a RDF model was released, thereafter known as DCMI Metadata Terms. Still it kept its flexibility, not imposing constraints on the resources with which the terms can be used.

The DCMI Metadata Terms are organised within four modules, digested below:

  • Elements: the original set of elements published in 2000, specified as RDF properties. Among other concepts, includes dc:contributor, dc:creator, dc:date, dc:identifier, dc:language, dc:publisher, dc:rights and dc:title.

  • Terms: it includes the original fifteen elements but adds classes and restrictions on their use. This module also specifies relations between its elements, meant for a more formal application of the standard. Of note are the classes dcterms:BibliographicResource, dcterms:LicenseDocument, dcterms:Location and dcterms:PeriodOfTime. Among the predicates, it defines dcterms:license and dcterms:provenance can be highlighted.

  • DCMI Type: defines a further set of resource classes that may be described with Dublin Core metadata terms. This set includes classes such as Collection, Dataset, Image, PhysicalObject, Service, Software, Sound and Text.

  • Abstract Model: meant to document metadata themselves and generally not expected to be applied by end users.


Friend of a Friend (FOAF) was the first web ontology expressing personal relationships in OWL. It specifies axioms describing persons, how they relate to each other and to resources on the internet. From a personal profile described with FOAF, it is possible to automatically derive information such as the set of people known to two different individuals. As an early metadata specification, FOAF has been popular to relate and describe people associated with web resources. The ActivityPub specification, the basis of the Fediverse, was influenced by FOAF.

Among the concepts specified by FOAF feature Person, Agent, Organization, Group, Document, PersonalProfileDocument, Image, OnlineAccount and Project. These are related by a comprehensive collection of data and object properties whose meaning is mostly straightforward to understand.


In 2014, the W3C developed an ontology mapping elements of the vCard business card standard to OWL, abstracting persons, organisations and contacts. The vCard web ontology specifies a set of classes and properties, but without limiting ranges and domains on the latter. vCard is meant to be used together with other metadata ontologies, particularly Friend of a Friend (FOAF).

The main classes in vCard representing contactable entities are Individual, Organisation and Group. Within contact means classes are found Address, EMail, Location and Phone (the later specialised in various sub-classes). A collection of object properties relates these two kinds of classes together, with a further set of data-type properties providing the concrete definition of each contact instance.


The Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) is the de facto Semantic Web standard for metadata, maintained by the W3C. Its main purpose is to catalogue and identify data resources, re-using various concepts from other ontologies. In particular, terms from Dublin Core and classes from FOAF and VCard are part of the specification. DCAT is not restricted to representing metadata of knowledge graphs, it even encompasses the concept of multiple representations for the same data. Among the most relevant classes specified by DCAT are:

  • Resource: any concrete thing on the Web, in principle identifiable by a URI. Dataset, DataService and Catalog are sub-classes of Resource.

  • Dataset: a collection of data, published or curated by a single entity. In general represents a knowledge graph that may be encoded and/or presented in different ways, and even be available from different locations.

  • DataService: an operation providing data access and/or data processing. Expected to correspond to a service location on the internet (i.e. an endpoint).

  • Distribution: a particular representation of a Dataset instance. More than one distribution may exist for the same dataset (e.g. Turtle and XML for the same knowledge graph).

  • Catalog: a collection of metadata on related resources, e.g. available at the same location, or published by the same entity. A catalogue should represent a single location on the Web.

  • CatalogRecord: a document or internet resource providing metadata for a single dataset (or other type of resource). It corresponds to the registration of a dataset with a catalogue.

  • Relationship: specifies the association between two resources. It is a sub-class of the EntityInfluence class in the PROV ontology.


PROV defines a core domain model for provenance, to build representations of the entities, people, and processes involved in producing a piece of data or thing in the world. This specification is meant to express provenance records, containing descriptions of the entities and activities involved in producing, delivering or otherwise influencing a given object. Provenance can be used for many purposes, such as understanding how data was collected so it can be meaningfully used, determining ownership and rights over an object, making judgements about information to determine whether to trust it, verifying that the process and steps used to obtain a result that complies with given requirements, and reproduce how something was generated.

PROV defines classes at a high level of abstraction. In most cases, these classes must be specialised to a specific level in order to be useful. The most relevant classes are:

  • Entity: physical, digital, conceptual, or other kind of thing. Examples of such entities are a web page, a chart, or a spellchecker. Provenance records can describe the provenance of entities.

  • Activity: explains how entities come into existence and how their attributes change to become new entities. It is a dynamic aspect of the world, such as actions, processes, etc. Activities often create new entities.

  • Agent: takes a role in an activity such that the agent can be assigned some degree of responsibility for the activity taking place. An agent can be a person, a piece of software, an inanimate object, an organisation, or other entities that may be ascribed responsibility.

  • Role: a description of the function or the part that an entity played in an activity. It specifies the relationship between an entity and an activity, i.e. how the activity used or generated the entity. Roles also specify how agents are involved in an activity, qualifying their participation in the activity or specifying for which aspect each agent was responsible.

Other domain models for metadata is an ontology developed by the main search engines to enrich websites with structured content about the topics described on that page (microdata). annotations (microdata) are typically added using an embedded json-ld document but can also be added as RDF-a.

The relevant entities in the ontology are DataCatalog and Dataset is used in repositories such as and Google Dataset Search.


Datacite is a list of core metadata properties chosen for accurate and consistent identification of a resource for citation and retrieval purposes, along with recommended use instructions. Datacite is common in academic tools such as Datacite, Dataverse, Zenodo, and OSF.


TC211 developed the initial version of ISO19115 in 2003, and a followup in 2014. A working group is currently preparing a new version. It is a metadata model to describe spatial resources, such as datasets, services and features. Part of and related to this work are the models for data quality ISO19157, services ISO19119 and data models ISO19110.

An XML serialisation of the models is available in ISO19139:2007. Although withdrawn, iso19139:2007 is still the de-facto metadata standard in the geospatial domain in Europe, being used by the INSPIRE Directive as a harmonisation mean for all geospatial environmental evidence.

Ecological Metadata Language (EML)

EML defines a comprehensive vocabulary and a readable XML markup syntax for documenting research data. It is in widespread use in the earth and environmental sciences, and increasingly in other research disciplines as well. EML is a community-maintained specification and evolves to meet the data documentation needs of researchers who want to openly document, preserve, and share data and outputs. EML includes modules for identifying and citing data packages, for describing the spatial, temporal, taxonomic, and thematic extent of data, for describing research methods and protocols, for describing the structure and content of data within sometimes complex packages of data, and for precisely annotating data with semantic vocabularies. EML includes metadata fields to fully detail data papers that are published in journals specializing in scientific data sharing and preservation.


Keywords referenced from metadata preferably originate from common thesauri. The section below provides a listing of relevant thesauri in the soil domain.

INSPIRE registry

The INSPIRE registry provides a central access point to a number of centrally managed INSPIRE registers. The content of these registers are based on the INSPIRE Directive, Implementing Rules and Technical Guidelines.

GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET)

GEMET is a source of common and relevant terminology used under the ever-growing environmental agenda.


AGROVOC Multilingual Thesaurus, including definitions from the World Reference Base on Soil description.

GLOSIS web ontology

GLOSIS codelists is a community initiative originating from the GSP GLOSIS initiative, including soil properties, soil description codelists, and soil analysis procedures.


GBIF maintains thesauri for ecological phenomena such as species.

Persistence identification

The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is one of the earliest and most consequent specifications of the Semantic Web. Originally meant to identify web resources, it became a central piece of the Web of data concept with the Resource Description Framework (RDF). In time researchers understood not only its relevance in providing unique and universal identifiers to data, but also the importance of their longevity, past the lifetime of projects, organisations or institutions. Thus emerged the concept of Persistent Unique Identifier (PI or PID, i.e. a URI valid "forever") and its recognition as the foundation of the Semantic Web and the FAIR initiative.

Within the SoilWise project, the persistent identification of metadata records (and eventually the resources that metadata describe) is therefore a fundamental aspect. The process or technology responsible for issuing and assigning PIDs in SoilWise has heretofore been known as Persistent Identifier Mint. In principle, it will rely on a third party for the allocation and resolution of PIDs, which will then be redirected to the SoilWise Repository. These PIDs can be used internally to identify metadata records, knowledge graphs in quad-stores, and even as alternative identifiers of external resources. The paragraphs below enumerate various options in this regard.


Persistent Identifiers for eResearch (ePIC) was founded in 2009 by a consortium of European partners in order to provide PID services for the European Research Community, based on the Handle system. Consortium members signed a Memorandum of Understanding aiming to provide the necessary resources for the long term reliability of its PID services (allocation, resolution, long-term validity). ePIC has since expanded into an international consortium, open to partners from the research community worldwide.

ARK Alliance

The ARK Alliance is an global, open community supporting the ARK infrastructure on behalf of research and scholarship. This institution provides Archival Resource Keys (ARKs), that serve as persistent identifiers, or stable, trusted references for digital information objects, physical or abstract. ARKs are meant to provide researchers (and other users) with long term access to global scientific and cultural records. Since 2001, some 8.2 milliard ARKs have been created by over 1000 organisations — libraries, data centres, archives, museums, publishers, government agencies and vendors. The ARK Alliance strives for seamless access to its PID services, on an open, non-paywalled and decentralised paradigm.


DataCite was founded in 2009 on the principle of being an open stakeholder-governed community that is open to participation from organisations worldwide. This initiative was formed with the aim of safeguarding common standards worldwide to support research, thereby facilitating compliance with the rules of good scientific practice. DataCite maintains open infrastructure services to ensure that research outputs and resources comply with the FAIR principles. DataCite’s services are foundational components of the scholarly ecosystem. Among these services are the creation and management of PIDs.

The FREYA project

The FREYA project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, active between 2017 and 2020. It aimed to build the infrastructure for persistent identifiers as a core component of open science, in the EU and globally. FREYA worked to improve discovery, navigation, retrieval, and access to research resources. New provenance services enabled researchers to better evaluate data and make the scientific record more complete, reliable, and traceable. The FREYA Knowledge Hub was designed to help users understand what persistent identifiers are, why they exist, and how to use them for research. It includes comprehensive guides and webinars to help start working with PIDs.


Below are described 3 options for a harvesting infrastructure. The main difference is the scalability of the solution, which is mainly dependent on the frequency and volume of the harvesting.

Traditional approach

Traditionally, a harvesting script is triggered by a cron job.

flowchart LR
    HC(Harvest configuration) --> AID
    AID(Harvest component)
    RW[RDFwriter] --> MC[(Triple Store)]
    AID --> RS[(Remote sources)]
    AID --> RW
    RS --> AID

Containerised approach

In this approach, each harvester runs in a dedicated container. The result of the harvester is ingested into a (temporary) storage, where follow up processes pick up the results. Typically, these processes use existing containerised workflows such as GIT CI-CD, Google Cloud run, etc.

flowchart LR
    c[CI-CD] -->|task| q[/Queue\]
    r[Runner] --> q
    r -->|deploys| hc[Harvest container]
    hc -->|harvests| db[(temporary storage)]
    hc -->|data cleaning| db[(temporary storage)]

Microservices approach

The microservices approach uses a dedicated message queue where dedicated runners pick up harvesting tasks, validation tasks and cleaning tasks as soon as they are scheduled. Runners write their results back to the message queue, resulting in subsequent tasks to be picked up by runners.

flowchart LR
    HC(Harvest configuration) -->|trigger| MQ[/MessageQueue\]
    MQ -->|task| AID
    AID --> MQ
    MQ -->|task| DC
    DC --> MQ
    MQ -->|write| RW[RDFwriter]
    AID(Harvest component)
    RW --> MC[(Triple Store)]
    AID --> RS[(Remote sources)]

In the beginning of the SoilWise development process, SoilWise will focus on the second approach.

Foreseen functionality

A harvesting task typically extracts records with update-date later then the last-identified successfull harvester run.

Harvested content is (by default) not editable for the following reasons:

  1. The harvesting is periodic so any local change to harvested metadata will be lost during the next run.
  2. The change date may be used to keep track of changes so if the metadata gets changed, the harvesting mechanism may be compromised.

If inconsistencies with imported metadata are identified, we can add a statement to the graph of such inconsistencies. We can also notify the author of the inconsistency so they can fix the inconsistency on their side.

To be discussed is if harvested content is removed as soon as a harvester configuration is removed, or when records are removed from the remote endpoint. The risk of removing content is that relations within the graph are breached. Instead, we can indicate a record has been archived by the provider.

Typical functionalities of a harvester:

  • Define a harvester job
    • Schedule (on request, weekly, daily, hourly)
    • Endpoint / Endpoint type ( -> OGC:CSW)
    • Apply a filter (only records with keyword='soil-mission')
  • Understand success of a harvest job
    • overview of harvested content (120 records)
    • which runs failed, why? (today failed -> log, yesterday successfull -> log)
    • Monitor running harvestors (20% done -> cancel)
  • Define behaviours on harvested content
    • skip records with low quality (if test xxx fails)
    • mint identifier if missing ({uuid} )
    • a model transformation before ingestion ( example-transform.xsl / )

Duplicates / Conflicts

A resource can be described in multiple Catalogues, identified by a common identifier. Each of the harvested instances may contain duplicate, alternative or conflicting statements about the resource. SoilWise Repository aims to persist a copy of the harvested content (also to identify if the remote source has changed). The Harvester component itself will not evaluate duplicities/conflicts between records, this will be resolved by the Interlinker component.

An aim of this exercise is also to understand in which repositories a certain resource is advertised.

Technology options

geodatacrawler, written in python, extracts metadata from various sources:

  • Local file repository (metadata and various data formats)
  • CSV of metadata records (each column represents a metadata property)
  • remote identifiers (DOI, CSW)
  • remote endpoints (CSW)

Google cloud run is a cloud environment to run scheduled tasks in containers on the Google platform, the results of tasks are captured in logs

Git CI-CD to run harvests, provides options to review CI-CD logs to check errors

RabbitMQ a common message queue software

Integration opportunities

The Automatic metadata harvesting component will show its full potential when being in the SWR tightly connected to (1) SWR Catalogue, (2) Data download & Upload pipelines and (3) ETS/ATS, i.e. test suites.