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Important Links

Project: Metadata ingestion

Interlinker component comprises of the following functions:

  1. Automatic metadata interlinking
  2. Duplicates identification
  3. Link liveliness assessment

Automatic metadata interlinking

To be able to provide interlinked data and knowledge assets (e.g. a dataset, the project in which it was generated and the operating procedure used) links between metadata must be identified and registered ideally as part of the SWR Triple Store.

  • Explicit links can be directly derived from the data and/or metadata. E.g. projects in CORDIS are explicitly linked to documents and datasets. For those linkages, the harvesting process needs to be extended, calling this component to store the relation in the knowledge graph. It should accommodate "vice versa linkage" (if resource A links to B, a vice versa link can be added to B).
  • Implicit links can not be directly derived from the (meta)data. They may be derived by spatial or temporal extent, keyword usage, or shared author/publisher. In this case, AI/ML can support the discovery of potential links, including some kind of probability indicator.

Duplicates identification

In the context of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs), duplication refers to the occurrence of multiple identifiers pointing to the same digital object or resource. As SWR will be ingesting datafiles from multiple data sources, this is an aspect that has to be taken into account.

We have no knowledge of existing technologies we can integrate as a component of the platform. This functionality will be setup within the platform. The methodology applied to identify duplicates will be by comparing multiple (meta)data attributes like File Name, File Size, File Type, Owner, Description, Date Created/Modified. Natural Language Processing techniques like Bag-of-words or Word/Sentence Embedding algorithms can be used to convert textual attributes into vectors, capturing semantic similarity and relationships between words. Each datafile will be characterized by its attributes and represented in a continuous vector space together with the other datafiles. Similarity algorithms (e.g. cosine similarity, euclidean distance, etc.) are then applied to identify datafiles with a similarity above a certain threshold, which is then considered to be duplicated. If necessary, a business rule will be integrated, taking the "completeness" of the datafile into account as to be able to determine which PID and datafile to keep and which to discard.


This process can be automated in the platform using automated (Python) scripts running within the platform's data processing environment. A second approach is to use data processing functionalities and AI algorithms integrated into a database, e.g. the Neo4J Graph Database and Neo4J Graph Data Science Similarity algorithms (Node Similarity, K-Nearest Neighbours, ...). This requires the data to exist in the graph database as linked data, either importing from the SWR knowledge graphs or using such a graph database technology (e.g. Neo4J) as the SWR knowledge graph technology.

  • two levels inspection (coarse = dataset level, fine = objects/attributes? level)
  • read existing data in terms of size, identical identifiers (data, metadata level)
  • identify duplicite values

Persistent content is considered to be stored in a trustworthy, persistent repository. We expect those storages to store the asset compliant with the applicable legally and scientifically required terms and periods for storage of the content, and to use a DOI or other persistent URI for persistent identification. These can be safely referred to from the SoilWise catalogue. For long-term preservation and availability of data and knowledge assets, SWR relies on the repository holders and their responsibility to keep it available.

Non-persistent data and knowledge are the ones that are not guaranteed to persist by the repository or data and knowledge holder and/or do not guarantee a persistent URI for reference for at least 10 years. In practice, many non-persistent knowledge sources and assets exist that could be relevant for SWR, e.g. on project websites, in online databases, on the computers of researchers, etc. Due to their heterogeneity in structure and underlying implementing technologies, etc., it is not possible nor desirable to store those in the SWR, with the exception of high-value data/knowledge assets.

Foreseen functionality

  • Assess if resources use proper identifiers to reference external items. Metadata (and data and knowledge sources) tend to contain links which, over time, degrade and result in File not found experiences.
  • By running availability checks on links mentioned in (meta)data, for each link an availability indicator (available, requires authentication, intermittent, unavailable) can be calculated.
  • Alternatively, an availability check can be performed at the moment a user tries to open a resource.


Providers of Identifiers:

Liveliness checks:

  • GeoHealthCheck a library which checks at intervals the availability of OGC APIs up to collection/item level, should be extended to drill down from CSW endpoint to record level and check links in individual records
  • Geocat has developed a linkage checker for iso19139:2007 metadata for INSPIRE geoportal, available at icat, which includes link checks in OWS capabilities.
  • Python link checker checks (broken) links in html
  • ...